25. November 2012

Advent at the Wintringer farm

Blick aus der Dunkelheit durch ein Fenster in das erleuchtete Gewölbe der Wintringer Kapelle
13-17 Uhr
Sale of Advent decorations from natural materials
At the cultural site Wintringer Chapel: "The Limits to Growth" by Hermann Bigelmayr with the new addition to his process work "Seeds"
Information stand, literature about the cultural site and the Way of St. James
16 Uhr
Backgrounds and texts on the work, Peter Michael Lupp
Musical reflections, Stefan Scheib (double bass)

Program flyer

30. September 2012

Yard festival at the Wintringer farm

Nahaufname des Kunstwerkes „Saatgut” an der Wand der Wintringer Kapelle: 64 weiße, mit einem gelben Stempel versehene, quadratische Karten
10-18 Uhr
Colorful program on organic farming around the farm
Large market with natural goods, gift and decorative items
At the cultural site Wintringer Chapel: Exhibition "The Limits to Growth" by Hermann Bigelmayr
10 Uhr
Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service
14 Uhr
Café Garden, Jazz Duo Bernd Dahlmanns Information stand about the Way of St. James
16 Uhr
About the work, Peter Michael Lupp Musical reflections, Marta Hemkemeier (violin)

Program flyer

23. June 2012

The Limits to Growth - Discourse III

"... and the seed crops shall not be ground."

Accompanying, topic-specific public discourse on the exhibition "The Limits to Growth" at the Cultural site Wintringer Chapel.

More information
21. June 2012

The Limits to Growth - seeds

Mensch Heil oder Dorn der Schöpfung

Since 2011, the renowned Munich sculptor Hermann Bigelmayr has presented his work "The Limits to Growth" on site. The artist's work is completed and deepened in several annual cycles, reflecting a theme-specific public discourse. In 2012, he expanded his installation under the title SAATGUT. In terms of content, he enters into a dialog with an important short formulation of the idea of sustainability by J. W. von Goethe (1795): "...baked bread is tasty and satisfying - for one day; but flour cannot be sown, and the seeds should not be ground."

To the project page
9. June 2012

Press comment: Saarbrücker Zeitung

Here art has time and space to grow
18. March 2012

The Limits to Growth - Discourse II

Courage to do less, fullness of being - explorations on sustainability

Accompanying, topic-specific public discourse on the exhibition "The Limits to Growth" at the Cultural site Wintringer Chapel.

More information